34 Books About New Jersey for Children

This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from my links. Every purchase helps keep this blog going. We just finished our unit study on the state of New Jersey. The list of children's books below are all the books we read together to help us discover and explore this state, along with a short review of what we liked about each book. Do you have any good ones that I missed? If so, leave a comment and let me know so we can read it. We hope you find this list helpful as you use living books to help you learn about New Jersey. G is for Garden State: A New Jersey Alphabet by Eileen Cameron is a great introduction to the state of New Jersey for young and old. There is a cute little rhyme that goes through each letter of the alphabet for the younger children and then there is more information for older children and adults. The illustrations are beautiful. The Mars Family: M...