13 Books To Help Your Children Learn About the State of Delaware

This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from my links. Every purchase helps keep this blog going. A while back we did a unit study on the state of Delaware. We love learning from real, living books rather than textbooks. My criteria for books for my children are that they appeal to both young and old alike both in the words and illustrations. Here are some of our favorite books that we read during our Delaware study. 1. "F is for First State - A Delaware Alphabet" is an excellent introduction to the state of Delaware. Young and old alike will learn something interesting about this state from this book. 2. Red Knot: A Shorebird's Incredible Journey by Nancy Carol Willis had us all so amazed at the Red Knot's journey and how dependant they are on the horseshoe crabs along the Delaware Bay. It is an amazing story from the view point of the Red Knot and the i...