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A while back we did a unit study on the state of Delaware. We love learning from real, living books rather than textbooks. My criteria for books for my children are that they appeal to both young and old alike both in the words and illustrations. Here are some of our favorite books that we read during our Delaware study.
1. "F is for First State - A Delaware Alphabet" is an excellent introduction to the state of Delaware. Young and old alike will learn something interesting about this state from this book.

2. Red Knot: A Shorebird's Incredible Journey by Nancy Carol Willis had us all so amazed at the Red Knot's journey and how dependant they are on the horseshoe crabs along the Delaware Bay. It is an amazing story from the view point of the Red Knot and the illustrations are amazing.
3. Ladybugs by Gail Gibbons is a really nice overview of Delaware's state insect with cute illustrations.

4. Horeseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds: The Story of a Foodweb by: Victoria Crensen will have you in awe of this amazing creature which is Delaware's state marine animal.

5. Golden Retrievers by Katie Lajiness will help you get to know all about Delaware's state dog.

6. Annie Jump Cannon, Astronomer by Carole Gerber is an incredible book about a woman astronomer from Delaware who found her purpose in life when her mother passed away and she remembered spending time on the roof with her mother gazing up at the stars in the sky. Her method of classifying stars is still used today. This is a very inspiring story.

7. Milk (A True Book From Farm to Table) by Ann O. Squire will teach you all about the Delaware state beverage.

8. Red Bird by Barbara Mitchell is a story based on the Nanticoke Indian Tribe and their annual powwow held in Delaware.

9. Delaware (Lenape) by Joseph Stanley will help you to learn about this Native American Indian tribe that used to live in Delaware.

10. The Delaware Colony by Kevin Cunningham teaches you about the first of the original thirteen colonies.

11. When Washington Crossed the Delaware by Lynne Cheney tells the amazing story of this heroic effort on the part of George Washington and his army.

12. Wondrous Strange: The Wyeth Tradition by N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth and Howard Pyle is a wonderful book of the artwork of these three men. Howard Pyle lived in Delaware and the others came there to learn from him. My children fully enjoyed looking at and discussing the artwork in this book. They enjoyed picking their favorite artwork and duplicating it themselves.

13. Kid's Cycling Handbook by Moira Butterfield is a nice little book that teaches a bit about the state sport of bicycling. It has a section that teaches kids how to repair or change a tire. After reading this book, my children made a few changes to their bikes to try a few tricks at the local park.

Do you have any good children's books that would help others learn more about the state of Delaware? If so, drop me a comment below. If you want to see our full unit study that we did for the state of Delaware, you can
click here. Thanks for stopping by my page.
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