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2020 - The kickoff of a new
decade. I didn't really set out to do this project, it just sort of happened to choose me. It all started on January 1st. I went for a walk with my husband because it was a beautiful, sunny day. I liked what I saw, snapped a photo with my
cell phone, posted it on
Instagram, and then the next day, I did it again. Amazed by how different the lake looked, the following day I found myself wondering again, so I proceeded to walk to the lake again. Before I knew it, I had formed a daily habit that I have come to love. Walking and occasionally driving every day to the little local lake and taking a picture actually taught me a lot of lessons. Come along with me as I take you on a journey of the ever-changing beauty of
Pell Lake, WI and share a bit of what I learned with you.
January 1, 2020 -
Happy New Year! Happy New Decade! This was how it all started. I went for a walk with my husband and saw this
pedal boat filled with ice and ice hanging off the front. I thought it looked so cool. All I had with me was my
cell phone, so I took a picture and posted it on
Instagram. It was such a beautiful, sunny day. A beautiful start to the
new decade.
January 2, 2020 - I looked out my kitchen window and saw that there were some beautiful
cloud patterns. I thought that it would probably look pretty by the lake, so I went for another walk. Sure enough, it was stunning. The clouds and the light were so beautiful and I couldn't believe how different the lake looked from one day to the next. I was seriously hooked. I started thinking about doing this every day but didn't want to add one more thing to my busy life, so I was pretty non-committal.
January 3, 2020 - The sun was gone, it was a very overcast day, so I positioned myself behind a
green park bench on the beach to add a bit of color. It was on this day that I started really appreciating the
quiet walk, the
sounds of nature, and breathing in the cool crisp air.
January 4, 2020 - We had gotten a little snow overnight and parts of the lake were frozen and there were these defrosted circles. It was on this day that I realized I was addicted to seeing what new thing I would find each day at the lake.
January 5. 2020 - It was a windy and cool day, and the waves were breaking up the ice and pushing it to the shore. I was mesmerized by the beauty of brokenness. It reminded me of the fact that there is
beauty in our brokenness too.
January 6, 2020 - A bright blue sunny day brought lots of
geese to our little lake today.
January 7, 2020 - The
geese that lined the whole shoreline yesterday are gone today. There is a little bit of ice left all along the shoreline. It is such a gorgeous, sunny day.
January 8, 2020 - The lake is frozen with a very thin layer of ice. Amazing how that happens overnight. A pretty chilly day. In hindsight, I should have spent more time at the lake today because the next seven days would be overcast.
January 9, 2020 - This beautiful, moody photo is a result of a cold, rainy, overcast, windy winter day. The lake is frozen, but not completely There is still a lot of open water out there. I liked the color of the
canoes in the foreground.
January 10, 2020 - A beautiful, warmer, calm before the storm kind of day. The
geese are back! There were slushy patches along the shoreline. A lot of the
geese flew over the slush to get away from me, because in the world of
Canadian geese, I am the enemy. But there were a few who decided to swim through the slush after I was a safe distance away. I had never watched
geese swim through slush before and was actually amazed at how hard it was and how long it took them to swim through. It got me thinking about my family and friends. Some are able to soar above their current issues, and others are having to slowly wade through
chronic pain,
family problems, etc. I said a little prayer for all of those that came to my mind.
January 11, 2020 - The ground is frozen and icy, so I took my sons to the lake to have fun pulling each other around on a
plastic sled. The
geese are still on the lake today. A tiny bit of
snow has fallen on this 24-degree day.
January 12, 2020 - We got a little
snow overnight and there are 100's of
geese on our lake. Unbelievable amounts of
geese, all honking like crazy! I liked to think that they were making a
joyful noise on this Sunday morning.
January 13, 2020 - I am really enjoying these nice brisk walks that break up my days and give me something to look forward to. I am enjoying breathing deep and find that I am liking the cold air more than I ever have in my adult life. There was no wind today. Everything was very still, but noisy as
geese are honking from the other side of the lake.
January 14, 2020 - I actually looked at the hourly forecast before heading out for my walk. They said it would be 40 degrees at 1:00 pm and so I waited until then to go out. Guess what? They lied. My
thermometer read 29 degrees, but with the wind, it felt much colder. It's a very overcast kind of day, so I walked down a little farther than I had been so that I could find a
pop of color to add to my photo. Half the lake is frozen today and there are a few small
flocks of geese that have decided to brave the cold. The majority of them have moved along. At least for now.
January 15, 2020 - The 7th day in a row of overcast skies. Today, we had icy, frozen
sleet falling and so because of my lack of desire to get pelted in the face by falling ice drops, I didn't walk to the lake but opted to drive instead.
January 16, 2020 - It was a balmy 9 degree and very windy this morning when I took my walk to the lake. However, I was SO excited as I hadn't seen sunny, blue skies for the past 7 days. I really needed the sun this morning. I loved how the ice pooled around the picnic table creating a little icy bay. These walks to the lake give me time to clear my head of anything negative and replace it with life-giving,
positive vibes.
January 17, 2020 - Hanging on! That's what I thought of when I saw this young tree at the lake today. It got me thinking and praying about things that I am holding on to that I need to
let go of. It also had me thinking about things I am holding on to that are good for me, like this daily trip down to the lake. It has been so good for me
physically and
spiritually. It makes me wonder why I never thought to make this part of my routine before now.
January 18, 2020 - Walked through slushy roads to see the blanket of white that covered our lake overnight. The
Little Free Library is stocked with books. Today is the perfect kind of day for an
adventurous book, a
warm, cozy blanket, and a hot cup of
coffee, or
January 19, 2020 -
Walking on water! I had intended to take pictures of the
ice fishermen out on the lake today, but honestly, their footprints captivated me much more.
January 20, 2020 - It is an absolutely GORGEOUS winter day at the lake.
January 21, 2020 - "
Creativity is being able to see what everyone else has seen and think what nobody else has thought so that you can do what nobody else has done." -
John C. Maxwell Today, I am thankful for dear friends who encouraged me to get out there and walk today even though my heart and emotions were elsewhere. It was a beautiful day and it was also the last time I would see sunny, blue skies in the month of January. So glad I got out there.
January 22, 2020 - The Light! There is something about the light shining on the hard, frozen, rough, jagged parts of the lake and the beauty that reflected off it that spoke to my soul today. My friend Cathy reminded me that "
God's light is there. Even and especially in the hard, jagged, rough times!" and my friend Kyle says, "Sometimes things are rough and jagged, but they can be beautiful as well." I love those kinds of reminders from nature.
January 23, 2020 - A fresh blanket of snow is falling over the lake. There is a silent hush that is so peaceful and serene. I have been eyeing these berries for some time, but it is usually pretty breezy. Today, the berries were still and posing nicely for me.
January 24, 2020 - Never do I feel more at peace than when God sends the clouds down to my level. It reminds me of the hymn that says, "
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. When at the cross my Savior made me whole. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul." Today, I am thankful that God sent his Son to earth to save my soul, and I am thankful he sent the fog down to remind me of that truth.
January 25, 2020 - I awoke to a beautiful, stick to the trees, kind of snow that had fallen. I love how there is a
kite stuck in the top of this tree, with the leaves. A mixture of three seasons. My friend Cathy told me that this photo reminded her of how God "sticks" with us through it all.
January 26, 2020 -
Snowmobile tracks on the lake today creating some cool, leading lines.
January 27, 2020 - There is this thing God does that always amazes me. He takes dead things and makes them beautiful. It simply astounds me.
January 28, 2020 - Today is a day of transition for me. Something has ended and something new has begun. Somehow this snow-covered pier leading out to the lake was a symbol of that transition.
January 29, 2020 - What is that you see on that tree? A little bit of love sent to you and me. I love when I find a
heart in nature.
January 30, 2020 - Have you ever noticed how
cattails point toward heaven in the winter? Reminds me of
Lauren Daigle's song:
"Where are You now
When darkness seems to win?
Where are You now
When the world is crumbling?
Oh I, I-I-I, I hear You say
I hear You say
Look up child, ayy..."
January 31, 2020 - I did it! I took a picture of our little lake every single day in January. There is something gratifying about visiting the same location every day and looking for that special picture that speaks to you that day. All together this month, I walked 23.1 miles and spent 8 1/2 hours in nature. That may not seem like a lot to you, but for someone who is usually a hermit in January, it is quite the accomplishment. On this last day of January, I needed some color and this sign was the most colorful thing at the lake. I started thinking about how many times things meant for good in one area, can at the same time be dangerous or life-threatening to others, just like
aerators in lakes. They keep what is underwater alive, but they can be dangerous to snowmobiles or children not paying attention. There is so much in life that is like that. Well, good-bye January and welcome February!
Drop me a comment and let me know which picture is your favorite.
Until next time, always choose the scenic life!
Hannah Babiak is a stock photographer and travel blogger. For writing assignments or ideas for future posts, please contact her at or leave a comment below.
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