Staying Connected To God

This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from my links. Every purchase helps keep this blog going. Yesterday, in our homeschool Bible class, the boys and I were discussing the importance of staying connected to God's word in order to soar above life's problems. The devotional we were using used the analogy of a kite flying high in the sky. The question that I asked my boys was, "What would happen if the kite snapped away from the string?" One child said, "It would fly higher." The other child said, "No, it would crash to the ground and break." These answers were exactly what I was hoping for. I wanted my children to see how easy it is to think that we can do life apart from God. It is easy to think we've got this under control all by ourselves. We can fly even higher without Him holding us down. However, the reality is as bleak as what my other son said. Just as a ...