Advent Calendars A-Z Shopping Guide

This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from my links. Every purchase helps keep this blog going. Just click the picture or link of the item to purchase or shop on Amazon. When I was a child, my favorite part about Christmas was the anticipation. My parents always had advent calendars for my brother and I to open each day. It was always the first thing I did when I woke up. Browsing Amazon, I was amazed at all the choices there are for celebrating the advent season. I put together an A-Z list to give you an idea of the wonderful advent calendars available now. These make great gifts that give all month long. This is the time to order to get them in time for December 1st. A - Army Men Advent Calendar Got any kids who like military army men? B - Bear Advent Calendar - Can't say enough about how good Lindt chocolate is. Wrap them up in Teddy Bears ...