Creative Writing Prompts For Every Day in February
This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from my links. Every purchase helps keep th is blog going. One thing that I have learned in teaching children to become writers is that many of them just don't know where to begin. Writing is a chore because they feel that they have nothing to write or that their writing will be unfairly critiqued. Writing is a vulnerable activity. We all know that practice makes perfect. That is why I believe that getting children in the habit of writing every day is a worthwhile use of your time. I also believe students need a safe place to write where they do not have to worry about being graded. This is a win/win for both teacher and student. You get your student to write every day, but you don't have an extra paper to grade. Simply look to make sure they wrote, and encourage them to read it aloud to someone. It could be a friend, paren...