PUNCTUATION Family Introduction ELA for Beginning Readers FUN Interactive

This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from my links. Every purchase helps keep th is blog going. Period, Question Mark, Explanation Point, Comma, Apostrophe, Semicolon, Colon, Hyphen, Quotation Marks & Ellipsis - MEET ALL the Punctuation Family in this fun, creative, interactive curriculum. Too many students progress through the grades never fully understanding how punctuation works. It is never too early to introduce the different forms of punctuation to your students. This unit is designed to not only introduce but hopefully help your students fall in love with these fun characters. The teacher reads fun introductions from: Percy Period Qwerty Question Mark Ella Exclamation Point Carrie Comma Apollos Apostrophe Sammy Semicolon Colin Colon Hayden Hyphen Quaid & Quincey Quotation Earl, Eli & Eva Ellipsis Students then practice with beginner reader worksheets designed to he...